Pedaling and recharging your batteries

This summer, Michel Evrard and I took on a major challenge!

We set off from Brussels to reach the Black Forest in Germany, solely by the strength of our calves. 1,300 km and 11,000 m of positive altitude difference, spread over 16 cycling stages, took us through a variety of landscapes, from the Belgian plains to the green hills to the majestic mountains of the Black Forest. Each pedal stroke brought us a little closer to this enchanting setting, where nature gradually took over.

Pedalling day after day, far from the daily grind, is an experience that allows you to clear your head. Your thoughts drift away as the kilometres go by, giving way to a form of active meditation. This time spent on the road was a real breath of fresh air for me, a way of disconnecting, of escaping, but also of taking a step back from my projects as a freelance graphic designer.

During the trip, I was able to take stock of my priorities and look at my projects from a new angle. As the miles flew by, ideas became clearer and a new energy took hold. It's often by taking a step back, literally and figuratively, that we find solutions to the challenges we face.

When I returned, I was reenergised and ready to get back to work with renewed enthusiasm. And that's a good thing, because there were plenty of projects waiting for me! The cycling holiday was more than just a trip, it brought me back with fresh ideas, full motivation and an even greater desire to surpass myself in my future projects.

Next year, I'd like to go as far as Brig in Switzerland, a town with the same name as my graphics studio. A round trip of around 2,000 km. A tall order, but after this experience, I'm more motivated than ever. So, who's coming with us?

#entrepreneurship #cycling #travel #spirit #break