A lockdown platform for musical quizz
One of the covid-19 lockdown's consequences was the shutdown of school and also music school. For some pupils - like me - who are very found of getting to the classes, this announce was kind of very dissapointing. Especially as we soon understood that this meant that the year was over and that we wouldn't go back before (at least) September.
Luckily, we have fantastic teachers giving us online piano classes (which are surprisingly quite good and rewarding), while some other teachers were challenging us to come up with questions... or maybe something else?
That was enough to give the idea to my music partner and neighbour, Anne, to propose a quizz on a subject we studied during the year. I quickly came up with the idea to propose something online, with the possibility of multiple quizz. While brainstorming by messages, we came up with the idea to create this website, where everyone interested could play but also propose their own quizz.
I started developping the website during the eastern week-end. Quite different from the bicycle trip we had in mind a couple of weeks ago, but so much fun! A couple of tables in the DB, a simple structure, easy login, a bit of javascript and the whole thing built-up with HTML and PHP,... We quickly came up with some functionnal prototype.
A month later, we can proudly proposes 16 quizz made by 6 different persons (students and teachers), have about 50 persons who participated and over 280 quizz made!
We clearly kept in touch with our mates and mostly we dig back in our notes, learning a lot while having fun. Wanna give a try? Just do it (the quizz are in french only)!
#music #quizz #lockdown #covid19 #php #jquery #development
CREDITS - Anne Warny (for the so great idea!)